
利用多种比例失衡技术侦测广东省水痘减毒活疫苗预防接种异常反应可疑信号 被引量:4

Signal detection for vaccine reactions following immunization with varicella attenuated live vaccine by disproportionality analysis in Guangdong province
摘要 目的利用比例失衡分析(Disproportionality analysis,DPA)侦测广东省2009-2014年水痘减毒活疫苗(Varicella attenuated live vaccine,VarV)预防接种异常反应的可疑信号。方法通过全国疑似预防接种异常反应(AEFI)信息管理系统收集广东省2009-2014年有明确诊断的VarV预防接种异常反应,利用DPA中频数法的报告比值比(Reporting odds ratio,ROR)和比例报告比(Proportional reporting ratio,PRR)及贝叶斯法中的贝叶斯置信传播神经网络(Bayesian confidence propagation neural network,BCPNN)和模糊贝叶斯伽马-泊松收缩论(Empirical Bayes Gamma-Poisson Shrinker,GPS)方法检测可疑信号。结果共有8 233例明确诊断的预防接种异常反应个案纳入分析,其中VarV异常反应461例(5.60%),使用ROR、PRR和BCPNN方法分析发现3个可疑信号,使用GPS方法发现2个可疑信号;可疑信号主要是接种VarV后的过敏性休克和喉头水肿。结论 DPA发现VarV过敏性休克和喉头水肿可疑信号增高,需进一步开展流行病学研究验证,并探索适合中国疫苗安全监测的数据挖掘技术。 Objective To detect suspected signals of vaccine reactions related to varicella attenuated live vaccine (VarV) by disproportionality analyses (DPAs) during 2009-2014 in Guangdong province. Methods We collected clearly-diagnosed rare vaccine reactions to VarV during 2009-2014 from the Chinese National Information System for Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) Surveillance, and detected suspected signals by four DPA methods, including the reporting odds ratio ( ROR), the pro- portional reporting ratio (PRR), the Bayesian confidence propagation neural network (BCPNN), and the empirical Bayes Gamma-Poisson Shrinker (GPS). Results A total of 8 233 rare vaccine reactions with clinical diagnoses were included in this study, of which 461 (5.60%) were related to VarV. Three suspected signals were detected by ROR, PRR and BCPNN, and 2 were detected by GPS. The most common suspected signals were anaphylactic shock and laryngeal edema. Conclusions Anaphylactic shock and laryngeal edema were identified as two strongly suspected signals by DPA methods. We need to verify these signals with further epidemiological studies and explore appropriate data mining methods for vaccine safety monitoring in China.
作者 刘宇 徐新 谢莘 郑慧贞 陈清 Liu Yu;Xu Xin;Xie Xin;et al(Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou 511430, Guangdong, China)
出处 《中国疫苗和免疫》 北大核心 2017年第5期493-497,共5页 Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
基金 广东省医学科学研究基金应用数据挖掘技术建立疫苗安全监测自动预警系统初步研究(编号B2014019)
关键词 比例失衡分析 水痘减毒活疫苗 预防接种异常反应 信号 Disproportionality analysis Varicella attenuated live vaccine Vaccine reaction Signal
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