近年来虚拟现实技术快速发展,结合VR设备可以为人们提供良好的沉浸式和交互式体验,在建筑可视化模拟领域有较高的应用价值和研究意义,尤其是依赖建筑设计师主观把控、推敲方案的建筑空间环境方面。以Unreal Engine 4为软件平台,探讨虚拟现实技术在建筑可视化中的应用优势,并阐述从绘制建筑图纸、建立三维模型、UE4完善模型布置到最终打包输出的具体流程和方法。展望虚拟现实技术的发展趋势,以期进一步降低建筑设计师应用虚拟现实技术的学习成本并完善实时交互模式。
Recent years, the rapid development of virtual reality technology, combined with virtual reality equipment can provide people with a good immersive and interactive experience. It is valuable in the field of architectural visual design, especially architectural space environment design that relies on architect's subjective idea. Taking Unreal Engine 4 as the software platform, this paper discusses the concrete application flow of virtual reality technology in the design of architectural space environment, and expounds the concrete method of drawing architectural drawings, establishing three-dimensional model, and perfecting the model layout to final packaging output. The development trend of virtual reality technology is forecasted in order to further reduce the learning cost of application of virtual reality technology by architect and improve the real-time interaetive mode.
Automation & Instrumentation