
桂北传统聚落公共空间之探讨——结合句法分析的公共空间解释 被引量:17

The Research for the Public Space Construction of Traditional Settlements in Northern Guangxi:The Interpretation of Public Space with Syntax Analysis
摘要 结合空间句法从物理维度、形态维度及文化维度等对桂北传统聚落公共空间建构机制进行了初步的分析,提炼出其空间结构与组织特征及其隐含的社会文化规范。其中句法所表述的公共空间反映出一般空间平面图所不能直接观察到的种种特征与属性,为传统聚落公共空间的研究提供了一个新的视角与切入点。文中的探讨对于了解传统聚落公共空间构建机制及深层次的社会文化性,对于如何在城镇化语境下保护、传承与发展传统聚落以及城镇公共空间的设计与营造,具有较好的借鉴与参考意义。 Based on space syntax the paper analyzes the public space construction mechanism of traditional settlements in Northern Guangxi from the physic dimension, morphology dimension and culture dimension. Then the paper abstracts the spatial structure and organization characteristic and underlying social culture criterion. In the research, the syntax map which is refined from the traditional settlement public space reflects the characteristic and attribute which could not be observed from the ordinary map. Space syntax provides the research of traditional settlement public space with a new approach and angle of view. The research will be helpful to understand the construction mechanism and the deep social culture of traditional settlement public space. The research can be used for reference to protect, inherit and develop the traditional settlement under urbanization context, and also be used for reference by the design of urban public space.
作者 王静文 韦伟 毛义立 WANG Jingwen;WEI Wei;MAO Yili
出处 《现代城市研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期10-17,共8页 Modern Urban Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(17YJA760050) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(YX2013-18) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51008022) 2015年广西科学计划软科学研究项目及研究开发项目"桂林传统村落及古民居传统文化研究"
关键词 传统聚落 公共空间 空间句法 桂北 traditional settlements public space space syntax Northern Guangxi
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