

Climate Cooperation between China and United States under the Guidance of the New Model of Major-power Relations:Challenges and Response
摘要 新型大国关系的主要理念不仅为中美处理传统政治领域中的问题提供新思路,还为中美在全球治理进程中的合作注入了新动力。应对气候变化这一全球治理问题,中美气候合作主要面临守成大国与新兴大国的战略博弈、气候治理责任与成本分配难题,国内政治的负外溢效应以及围绕环境产品贸易标准与规则的激烈竞争等四方面挑战。在新型大国关系"不冲突、不对抗,相互尊重,互利共赢"的核心内涵指导下,提高气候合作机制化程度,动员多维度与多层次行为体的协调与联合行动,增加减排机制的灵活性与公平性,构建气候合作的利益共享机制,进而能从根本上克服中美气候合作中的障碍,为全球气候机制的有效运行提供保障。 The main idea of new model of Major-Power relations not only provides new perspectives to deal with the problems in traditional political fields, but also can inject new impetus to coordinate bilateral relations between U.S. and China in the global climate governance process. There might be four major challenges U.S. and China may need to conquer, including the fierce competition between hegemony and an important emerging power, divergence perspectives on the allocation of climate governance's cost and responsibility and the "'negative spillover impacts" of domestic politics, the competing advantaged influence of making the standards and rules of environmental goods. Under the guidance of principles of new model of Major-power relations "no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, win-win cooperation", it's beneficial and foreseeable that U.S. and China cooperation mechanisms, multilateral coordination and carbon emission, benefit-sharing climate cooperation to climate governance. working together through institutionalized climate global actions, flexible and fair distribution of the overcome the obstacles bilaterally in the process of climate governance.
作者 林迎娟
机构地区 北京语言大学
出处 《未来与发展》 2017年第11期36-41,共6页 Future and Development
关键词 新型大国关系 中美关系 全球气候治理 new model of major-power relations, sino-US relations, climate governance
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