To enhance teaching efficiency, the practice-orientated Classroom Disc0urse Analysis (CDA) entails dialogical construction of classroom interaction in deep structure rather than theoretical interpretation of its surface value. In light of " dia- logic-driven" pedagogical stance, this paper takes a critical approach to IRF as a routinized sequence in conversation-driven classroom talk, only to find that the absence of its "dialogic spirit" compromises knowledge transaction in teacher-student in- teraction. Furthermore, the backtracking study on Discourse Analysis as an umbrella term together with its sub-disciplinary de- velopments reveals its deep-seated progressive pattern of dialogic postmodernism: from objective to subjective, from critical to constructive, which accordingly:indicates a paradigm shift of CDA from conversation to d/a/ogue, from "talk" to "walk". Based on the observations above, we advocate that the pedagogical realization of CDA as an academic enterprise, rather than an arm- chair theory, be achieved through its construction of life-to-life dialogue, aiming at reflective action. Arguably, it takes dialog- ic spirit to make a real change in deep structure of classroom interaction and CDA research as well.
Foreign Language Education