
膜下滴灌水肥耦合对寒地水稻产量构成因素及产量的影响 被引量:6

Effect of Water and Fertilizer Coupling on Rice Yield and Its Components Under Drip Irrigation with Plastic Film Mulching in Cold Region
摘要 [目的]在目前推广的水稻膜下滴灌旱作种植方式基础上,在寒地研究其水肥一体化技术,提出高产高效水肥优化组合方案,为膜下滴灌水稻栽培技术推广应用提供配套的水肥管理技术参考和理论依据。[方法]以龙粳31号和空育131为材料,采用随机区组试验设计,研究膜下滴灌水肥耦合对寒地水稻产量构成因素及产量的影响。[结果]膜下滴灌以体积含水量降至饱和含水量的80%为控水下限的水分管理、分蘖肥与穗肥用量分别为87,15kg/hm2的处理能够增加两品种的穗数/m2;膜下滴灌的两种水分、肥料处理对两品种穗粒数的影响不显著。膜下滴灌处理以体积含水量降至饱和含水量的80%为控水下限的水分管理其生物产量、经济系数和经济产量高于以体积含水量降至饱和含水量的60%为控水下限的水分管理,两品种的表现为一致的。膜下滴灌以体积含水量降至饱和含水量的60%为控水下限的水分管理,同时分蘖肥与穗肥用量分别为70,12kg/hm2的处理两品种的经济产量均为最低。空育131以体积含水量降至饱和含水量的80%为控水下限的水分管理,同时分蘖肥与穗肥用量分别为87,15kg/hm2的处理最适合膜下滴灌旱种;龙粳31号以体积含水量降至饱和含水量的80%为控水下限的水分管理,同时分蘖肥与穗肥用量分别为70,12kg/hm2的处理最适合膜下滴灌旱种。[结论]不同品种对膜下滴灌水肥耦合的反应不同,膜下滴灌旱种处理水肥耦合对寒地水稻产量有重要影响。 [Objective]Based on the present popularising plantation of rice under drip irrigation with plastic film mulching,the integrate water and fertilizer technologies in cold region were studied,and an optimized water and fertilize scheme of high yield and high efficiency was put forward in order to provide technicalreference and theoretical foundation of matching water and fertilizer management for widespread use of upland rice under drip irrigation with plastic film mulching.[Methods]Using Longjing 31 and Kongyu 131 as materials,the effects of water and fertilizer coupling on yield components and yield of rice under drip irrigation with plastic film mulching in cold region were studied using randomized block experiment design.[Results]Panicles per square meter of the two varieties were both increased in a treatment.Drip-watering volumetric low level of the treatment was 80% of the saturated moisture content,and applied fertilizers at tillering and panicle-growing stages were 87 kg/hm2 and 15 kg/hm2,respectively.Grain numbers per panicle of the two varieties in all treatments were not significantly different in drip irrigation with plastic mulching.The biomasses,harvest indexes and economic yields of the two varieties were both observed higher in the treatment using 80% of the saturated moisture content as drip-watering volumetric low level than that in the treatment using 60% as the low level.Economic yields of the two varieties were both the lowest in the treatment using60% of the saturated moisture content as low watering level and simultaneously applying 70 kg/hm2 and12 kg/hm2 fertilizers at tillering and panicle-growing stages.For Kongyu 131 variety,the appropriate water and fertilizer coupling pattern in regime of drip irrigation with plastic mulching was as follows:watering low level at 80% of the saturated moisture content,87 kg/hm2 and 15 kg/hm2 fertilizers at tillering and paniclegrowing stages.For Longjing 31 variety,it was:watering with low level at 80% of the saturated moisture content,70 kg/hm2 and 12 kg/hm2 fertilizers at the two stages,respectively.[Conclusion]The responses of the two rice varieties to different treatments of water and fertilizer coupling were different.Water and fertilizer coupling in regime of drip irrigation with plastic film mulching had important effect on the rice yield in cold region.
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 2017年第5期46-52,共7页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家重点研发计划项目"粮食作物产量与效率层次差异及其丰产增效机理"(2016YFD0300104) 国家科技支撑计划项目(2013BAD07B01 2015BAD23B05-08) 黑龙江省农垦总局科研项目(HNK125-B-08-21A HNK135-02-02) 黑龙江八一农垦大学省作物学重点学科学术骨干科研启动金项目(ZWXQDJ-8) 黑龙江八一农垦大学博士启动金项目(XDB2012-03)
关键词 膜下滴灌 水肥耦合 产量构成因素 产量 寒地水稻 drip irrigation with plastic film mulching, water and fertilizer coupling, yield components, yield, rice in cold region
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