目的探讨CT灌注扫描灌注参数在定量分析胰腺癌肿瘤分期中的意义和作用。方法选取2014年5月至2017年1月经本院病理证实的胰腺癌患者,在术前一周内均进行上腹部CT灌注检查。根据CT表现依据第七版美国癌症联合会胰腺癌分期标准对胰腺癌进行TNM分期,对比分析CT灌注参数在胰腺癌分期中的意义。结果 CT灌注扫描对胰腺癌T1、T2、T3和T4准确率分别为100%,81.4%,74.2%和77.3%。CT灌注扫描对胰腺癌N0和N1准确率分别为83.9%和62.2%。CT灌注参数中,BV在各组间差异有统计学意义,BF在I期与IV期中差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论胰腺CT灌注扫描检查在胰腺癌术前分期中具有较高的准确率,能够准确的判断胰腺癌的恶性程度,在临床工作中具有重要的意义和作用。
Objective To explore the significance and function of perfusion parameters of CT peifusion scanning in quantita- tive analysis of pancreatic cancer staging. Methods We selected pancreatic cancer patients confirmed by pathology between May 2014 and January 2017. The patients were examined with CT perfusion prior to surgery within one week. The TNM staging of these patients were performed based on CT features according to pancreatic cancer staging criteria of American Association of Cancer (the 7th edition). The significance of perfusion parameters in pancreatic cancer staging was contrastively analyzed. Results The accuracy of CT perfusion imaging for staging pancreatic cancer T1 ,T2 ,T3 and T4 was 100% ,81.4% ,74.2% and 77.3% ,respectively. The accuracy of CT perfusion imaging for pancreatic cancer nodal status of NO and N1 was 83.9% and 62. 2% respectively. In CT perfusion parameters, BV was statistically varied among the groups ( P 〈 0. 05 ) while BF had significant difference between I and IV stages. Conclusion The accuracy of pancreatic CT perfusion scan in preoperative staging of pancreatic cancer is high. It can accurately in judgment of the malignant degree of pancreatic cancer. Therefore, it has great significance and role in the clinical work.
Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine
Preoperative staging of pancreatic cancer
CT perfusion
Pcrfusion parameters
Quantitative analysis