
亚磷酸盐在农业上的应用及机制研究进展 被引量:13

Research advances in application and mechanism of phosphites in agriculture
摘要 亚磷酸盐被证明对农作物具有增产抗病的功效,是一种新型环保的化学制剂。本文针对国内外亚磷酸盐作为杀菌剂和功能性肥料在农业上的应用研究及作用机制进行综述。目前亚磷酸盐在国外已经广泛应用到植物病虫害防治及植物营养领域,而我国对其相关研究及应用则较为滞后。亚磷酸盐用作杀菌剂在抑制茄属、芸薹属及其他叶菜类等卵菌纲病菌方面均有很好的效果,同时在增加草莓、马铃薯等作物开花、产量、果实大小及可溶性物质含量等方面具有很好的肥效。作用机制研究证实,亚磷酸态磷可在作物木质部和韧皮部进行双渠道运输,加快营养吸收和利用;在抗病方面,研究者普遍认为亚磷酸态磷能诱导作物产生抗御毒素及病程相关蛋白(PR蛋白),可能依赖水杨酸(SA)开启防御机制,使作物对病原菌产生持续免疫力,但至今尚未有明确定论。本研究综述结果可为我国开展亚磷酸盐在农业上的推广应用提供参考。 Phosphites has been shown to be a new environmentally friendly chemical agent for crops, which could have increased their yield and resistance to disease. In this paper,the application and mechanism of phosphites as fungicides and functional fertilizers in agriculture are reviewed. The results show that phosphites have been widely used in plant diseases and pest control and plant nutrition in foreign countries. In China, its related research and application is lagging behind. Phosphoric acid as a bactericide in the inhibition of oomycetes such as Solanaceae,Brassica and other leafy vegetables has a good effect, while in the aspects of increasing the flowering, the yield, the fruit size and the soluble matter content of the strawberry, potato and other crops, it also has a good fertil- izer effect. Mechanism studies have shown that phosphorous phosphates can be transported in the crop xylem and phloem of the two channels to speed up the absorption and utilization of nutrients; in disease resistance, the researchers generally believe that phosphite phosphate can induce crops to produce toxins and pathogenesis-related protein( PR protein), relying on salicylic acid (SA)to open the defense mechanism, so that crops can produce sustained immunity on the pathogen, but there is no clear conclusion until now. The results of this study could provide a reference for the promotion and application of phosphite in agriculture in China.
出处 《南京农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期949-956,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31200337)
关键词 亚磷酸盐 杀菌剂 肥料 作用机制 phosphites pesticides fertilizers mechanism
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