X - band cryogenic receiving components characterized by extremely low noise and strong suppression to transmit- ting power needs was developed conducted, so as to meet the measurement and control requirements for deep space such as lunar and Mars exploration. Technologies of heat insulation and impedance matching were used in the transmission line from the room temperature (300K) to low temperature (12K) ;Superconductive filter was used to achieve low noise as well as strong inhibition to the emission frequerey power and avoid its interferee to the receiving band. The cryogenic amplifier with extremely low noise was researched by means of field effect transistor parameter extraction, negative feedback of source and other circuit design methods. Through thermal simulation, we made the temperature of components working at low temperature, so as to reduce the noise temper- ature . With the solution of the key technologies above, the following aspects were achieved in the receiving components within the frequency range of 8.4 to 8.5 ) GHz including : Noise temperature ≤ 11.5 K , Gain ≥ 56.1 dB, Suppression of emission frequency ≥141dB. It satisfies the demand of extremely low noise and strong suppression of emission frequency in the deep space T&C system.
Cryogenics and Superconductivity
X - band, Cryogenic, Receiving component, Deep space T&C