
一种低剖面宽带缝隙耦合天线 被引量:1

A Wideband Low-Profile Slot-Coupled Antenna
摘要 基于层压PCB技术设计了低剖面的宽带缝隙耦合天线,通过在多层结构中引入特殊的"哑铃"形耦合缝隙结构有效拓展了天线的工作带宽,提升了辐射效率。馈线与辐射贴片间用内层地板分隔,有效地抑制了背向辐射与干扰。研究结果表明,该天线在12-18GHz的频带内回波损耗低于-10dB,相对带宽可达40%,能够满足宽角扫描相控阵的使用要求,具有良好的应用前景。 A low-profile wideband slot-coupled antenna is designed based on laminated PCB technology. By introducing a novel " dumbbell" shape coupled structure in the laminated PCB,wide operating band is obtained and radiation efficiency is improved effectively. Feed-line network and radiation patches are separated by inner ground plane for controlling back radiation and interference effectively. Study results indicate that return loss of the array is better than-10 dB within frequency of 12 to 18 GHz and relative bandwidth exceeds 40%; performance of the antenna meets requirements of wide-angle scanning phased array and has great potential in application.
出处 《火控雷达技术》 2017年第3期69-71,86,共4页 Fire Control Radar Technology
关键词 宽带天线 缝隙耦合 低剖面 层压PCB wideband antenna slot coupled low profile laminated PCB
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