

Analysis of the Founding Time of Red Cross Society of China From the perspective of the History of Stamps:Based on Textual Research of the Commemorative Stamps
摘要 邮票是官方发行记录当年或过往大事的实物证据。纪念邮票具有较强的时间性,与历史事件发生时间基本一致。在晚清民国时期,由于国力羸弱和战祸频仍,中国红十字会虽屡次尝试,但未能发行成功一枚红十字纪念邮票。伪满洲国发行的赤十字社纪念邮票则成为了日本侵华的有力物证。新中国成立后,邮政部门先后发行了三套红十字纪念邮票,分别纪念中国红十字会成立50周年、80周年及100周年。但发行时间各不相同,考证得知第一套设计较晚、因印刷错误及币值改革而延误发行,第二、三套则是依据中国红十字会成立日期的不同标准发行。因此,后两套纪念邮票反映了官方对中国红十字会成立时间的态度。这一时间变更也从侧面折射出了中国邮电事业发展的不断进步历程。 Stamps are official records or the physical evidence of past events of the year. Commemorative stamps have stronger temporality, which is in accordance with historical events occurred roughly in the same time. During the periods of the late Qing dynasty and the Republic of China, as a result of national weak strength and war disasters, the Red Cross society of China had repeatedly tried to, but failed to, issue even one Red Cross commemorative stamp. The stamps is- sued by the Red Cross society of Manchukuo became a strong evidence of the Japanese' s aggression against China. The postal unit of The People' s Republic of China has issued three sets of the commemorative stamps of the Red Cross, re- spectively, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Red Cross, the 80th and 100th anniver- sary. But the releasing time each is not identical. The investigation reveals that the first set was delayed due to the design and printing errors, and the delay of issuing currency reform. The second and third sets are established on the basis of different standard issue dates of the Red Cross society of China. Therefore, the last two sets of commemorative stamps re- flect the official attitude towards the Red Cross Society of China' s founding time. These changes also reflected he career development of China' s post and telecommunications.
作者 贾浩
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2017年第6期114-119,共6页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 北京市国内外联合培养研究生共建项目
关键词 纪念邮票 中国红十字会 成立时间 commemorative stamps Red Cross Society of China founding time
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