
我国苹果产业节本增效关键技术Ⅵ:苹果病虫害节本增效防控的原则与技术 被引量:9

Principles and techniques of apple pests and diseases management for saving cost and improving effectiveness
摘要 苹果病虫害防治,既要有效控制病虫危害,保证果品安全、高效、可持续生产,又要降低防控成本,减少化学农药的投入量。这需要在科学栽培管理的基础上,综合运用各种技术措施,压低苹果园有害生物的种群数量,当病虫基数过大或有严重危害趋势时,按照病虫害发生规律和防控需求,选择适宜的防控药剂,适时、精准地用药防治。苹果生长的不同时期病虫害防治重点不同:苗期重点防控苗木传带病虫和检疫性病虫;幼树期除防治叶部病虫外,重点保护枝干和根部;树体休眠期以清除越冬病虫源为主,并保护枝干;生长前期是全年病虫害防治的关键时期,重点防治的病虫有螨类、蚜虫、苹果霉心病、套袋果实斑点病、苹果白粉病等;雨季以雨前喷药,保护寄主不受苹果褐斑病、苹果炭疽叶枯病、苹果轮纹病、苹果树腐烂病和苹果炭疽病等病菌侵染,兼治各种虫害,雨前若没有及时喷药或降雨过多时,应在雨中和雨后及时喷药;后期以保护近成熟的果实为主,并促进叶部营养回补树体,增强树势;免套袋果园除按常规方案防治病虫害外,需重点防控果实轮纹病、苹果炭疽病、桃小食心虫和梨小食心虫。 In the pest and disease management of apple, it is necessary to use various techniques or measures on the basis of scientific management and cultivation to depress the population number of various pests in orchard. When the population base of pests is large enough or the pests have a serious harm tendency,the right pesticides should be applied to the right sits at right time according to the disease or insect occurrence regularity and the control demand to effectively control the pests, to ensure the safe, efficient and sustainable production of fruits and to reduce the cost of control and the applying amount of chemicals. In the nursery stage, more attention should be paid on the management of seedling-borne pests and quarantine pests. In young tree stage,the most important works are to protect stems and roots in pest management.In the dormancy period of apple tree, the main works are to eliminate the overwintering pathogens and pests and to protect the trunk. In the early growth season, pest management plays an important role in apple fruit production of the year and pests required to focused on control are mites, aphids, Mould corn, Black lesions of bagged fruit, powdery mildew, etc. In the rainy season, the most important measures are to apply long-term fungicides before raining to protect host from infection with pathogen of Brown spot, Glomerala leaf spot, Valsa canker, Ring rot and anthracnose, and control the various pests. When the fungicide can't apply before raining or there are too many rains, system fungicide must apply immediately after or during the raining. In the late growth stage, the main works are to protect the near-mature fruits and promote nutrition of leaves flow back to the tree. In addition to the above managements, Fruit ring rot, Anthracnose, Peach fruitborer and Oriental peach moth must be controlled with additional measure in free bagged orchards.
出处 《中国果树》 2017年第6期1-7,共7页 China Fruits
基金 国家现代农业(苹果)产业技术体系(CARS-27) 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0201122) 山东省"精准农业"重大科技创新工程 国家自然科学基金(31371883)
关键词 苹果 病虫害 种群动态 生态防控 关键防治期 雨前保护 ecological control population dynamics key period of pest management protection host before raining
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