目的掌握木质家具制造企业职业病危害现状,为制定干预措施提供依据。方法以北京市某木质家具制造企业为例,通过现场调查和职业卫生学调查了解该家具制造企业生产过程中产生的主要职业病危害因素,并对作业场所职业病危害因素浓度(强度)进行了检测、分析和讨论。结果木质家具制造企业职业病危害主要为粉尘和噪声,检测结果显示木粉尘浓度范围为(0.98~5.53)mg/m3,共检测作业点7个,不合格点数2个,不合格率为28.6%;噪声强度范围为(83.2~87.0)d B(A),共检测作业点7个,其中不合格点3个,不合格率为42.86%。苯、甲苯、二甲苯、乙酸乙酯、乙酸丁酯的检测结果均符合要求,而粉尘浓度(立铣、立刨工位)和噪声强度(开料、立刨和钻孔工位)均超标,是企业职业病危害防治的关键控制点。结论木质家具制造企业木粉尘和噪声职业危害严重,可以从通风除尘和降噪、管理方面采取相应的防治措施,提高防护水平,保障劳动者的健康。
[Objective ] To know well about the current situation of occupational hazards of wooden furniture manufacturing enter- prise ,provide evidence for adopting preventive measures. [Methods] Taking a wooden furniture manufacturing enterprise of Beijing as example,the main occupational hazard factors in the production process were investigated through field investigation and occupational hygiene survey, the concentration (intensity) of occupational hazards in workplace were detected, analyzed and discussed.[Results] It showed that dust and noise were the main occupational hazard factors in the wooden furniture manufactur- ing enterprise. The wood dust concentration was (0.98-5.53) mg/m3, 2 of 7 monitoring points were unqualified with the unqualified rate of 28.6%. The noise intensity was (83.2-87.0) dB(A), 3 of 7 monitoring points were unqualified with the unqualified rate of 42.86%. The concentrations of benzene,toluene,xylene,etbyl acetate and butyl acetate all met the requirements. However,the concentrations of dust at vertical milling and slotting positions and the intensity of noise at cutting,slotting and drilling positions exceeded the occupational exposure limits, which were the critical control points. [ Conclusion ] The occupational hazards of wood dust and noise in wooden furniture manufacturing enterprise are serious. Aiming at raising the level of protection and ensuring the health of the workers, some control measures in ventilation and dust removal, noise reduction and management should be carried out.
Occupation and Health
Furniture manufacturing enterprise
Occupational hazard
Critical control point
Control measure