This paper discusses two concepts-Design Research and Architectural Urbanism-and their operative interrelationship. The paper proposes to understand the city as a complex of multi-scalar relationships that extend beyond the traditional boundaries of disciplines. In order to understand urban questions not as the management of different disciplines but as the possibility of a cross-disciplinary framework, the concept of ‘architectural urbanism' is advanced. This approach understands the interactions between spatial planning disciplines through an established body of knowledge concerned with the analysis and design of built form that can be found in architecture but extended to urban scales. In this light, architectural and urban plans are intelligible as formal and theoretical products of disciplinary activity as well as the collective outcome of socio-political forces. Design and research activities are inseparable in architecture and urbanism, and knowledge production and formal production are methodologically linked. Architecture and urbanism are symbiotic modes of enquiry, which can be defined in terms of a series of distinct socio-spatial diagrams.
New Architecture
design research, architectural urbanism, cross-disciplinary