The Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science,a peerreview journal with an international scope(ISSN 1672-3597,CN 31-1908/R,Bimonthly),is embodied by‘Springer Verlag’Database,Index of Copernicus(IC)and Chinese Scientific and Technical Paper and Citations Data(CSTPCD).You can
The Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science, a peerreview journal with an international scope (ISSN 1672-3597, CN 31-1908/R, Bimonthly), is embodied by 'Springer Verlag' Database, Index of Copernicus (IC) and Chinese Scientific and Technical Paper and Citations Data (CSTPCD). You can search full text on http://www.springerlink.com/content/1672-3597, http://epub.cnki.net/kns/oldnavi/n_item.aspx?naviid= 100&base id=zjtn&navilink=j ournal+o f+acupuncture+and+tuina+science, and http://c.wanfangdata.com.cn/periodical-zjtnyx-e.aspx.