目的探讨盆底肌电刺激联合生物反馈盆底肌训练治疗女性产后性交痛的临床疗效。方法本研究对象为2014年2月至2016年2月就诊于东莞市第三人民医院的130例女性产后性交痛患者,按治疗方式不同分为对照组与研究组,各65例。对照组患者自行盆底肌肉锻炼,研究组患者接受盆底肌电刺激+生物反馈盆底肌训练治疗,于治疗前后采用女性性功能量表(FSFI)评估患者性功能,并测定其盆底肌力与盆底肌电情况。结果研究组患者治疗后FSFI评分明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组患者治疗后盆底肌力≥Ⅲ级患者比例明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组治疗后静息肌电值、快肌评估、10 s及60 s慢肌评估、后静息肌电值正常患者比例均明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论给予女性产后性交痛患者盆底肌电刺激联合生物反馈盆底肌训练治疗疗效确切,可有效提高患者性功能及盆底肌肌力,利于产后盆底功能恢复。
Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of pelvic floor stimulation combined with biofeedback pelvic floor muscle training in female patients with postpartum sexual intercourse.Methods The subjects were from February 2014 to February 2016 in Dongguan Third People's Hospital of 130 cases of female postpartum pain patients,according to different treatment methods were divided into the control group and the study group,65 cases each.Patients in the control group to the pelvic floor muscles exercise,the study group received pelvic floor electrical stimulation and biofeedback pelvic floor muscle training,female sexual function scale(FSFI) before and after treatment with functional assessment of patients,and determine the pelvic floor muscle strength and EMG.Results The study group patients with FSFI score after treatment was significantly higher than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P0.05);the study group after the treatment of pelvic floor muscle strength grade than the proportion of patients was significantly higher than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P0.05);resting EMG values,the study group after the treatment of fast muscle assessment,10 s and 60 s slow muscle EMG assessment,after resting normal proportion of patients were significantly higher than the control group,the differences were statistically significant(P0.05).Conclusion The pelvic floor EMG stimulation combined with biofeedback pelvic floor muscle training is effective in improving the sexual function and pelvic floor muscle strength, and is beneficial to the restoration of pelvic floor function in women after delivery.
China Journal of Pharmaceutical Economics
Postpartum pain during sexual intercourse
Pelvic floor electrical stimulation
Biofeedback pelvic floor muscle training
Pelvic floor function