
宫颈细胞学筛查中不典型腺细胞的临床意义 被引量:4

Clinical Significance on Atypical Glandular Cells Incervical Cytology Screening Results
摘要 目的:探讨宫颈细胞学中不典型腺细胞(AGC)在筛查预防病变方面的临床价值。方法:对细胞学检查诊断为AGC的患者行宫颈活检+颈管搔刮、宫颈锥切、分段诊刮或子宫切除后的病理结果进行回顾性分析。结果:AGC检出率为0.6%(1016/157613)。1016例AGC中有效随访病例962例,阳性病例302例,阳性率31.4%,其中鳞状上皮病变113例(37.4%),腺上皮病变173例(57.3%),其他16例(5.3%)。370例≤40岁的患者中有效随访病例362例,阳性病例73例(20.2%),其中鳞状上皮病变45例(61.6%),腺上皮病变24例(32.9%),其他4例(5.5%);>40岁的646例患者中有效随访病例600例,阳性病例229例(38.2%),其中鳞状上皮病变68例(29.7%),腺上皮病变154例(67.2%),其他7例(3.1%)。AGC-倾向瘤变有效随访病例138例,阳性病例108例(阳性率78.3%),≤40岁和>40岁分别以HSIL病变和子宫内膜癌检出率最高。结论:AGC的检出率低,≤40岁病例以鳞状上皮病变为主,>40岁病例以腺上皮病变为主。AGC-倾向瘤变对宫颈及子宫内膜严重病变有非常重要的提示作用。 Objective:To explore the clinical value of atypical glandular cells in screening and preventing disease. Methods:The pathologic results of Cervical biopsy + neck scratch scraping,cervical cone cutting, curettage or hysterectomy after the cytology diagnosis with AGC were retrospectively analyzed. Results:There were 962 effective follow-up cases in the 1016 cases of atypical glandular cell, positive cases 302 cases and the positive rate of 31.4%. Among the 302 positive cases,there were 113 squamous epithelial lesions cases(37.4% ), 173 glandular epithelial lesions cases (57. 3%) and 16 other lesions cases ( 5.3%). AGC detection rate was 0. 6% (1016/157613). There were 362 effective follow-up cases in 370 cases of patients with the age ≤40, including 73 positive cases(20.2%). The 73 positive cases included 45 cases Squamous epithelial lesions(61.6% ),24 pa- tients glandular epithelial lesions(32.9% ) and 4 other cases(5. 5% ). There were 600 effective follow-up cases in 646 cases of patients with the age 〉 40, including 229 positive cases (38.2%). The 229 positive cases included 68 cases squamous epithelial lesions(29.7%) ,154 patients glandular epithelial lesions(67.2%) and 7 other cases(3. 1%). There were 138 AGC-tendency neoplasia effective follow-up cases, which included 108 positive cases( positive rate 78.3% ). The patients with 40 years old or less and 〉40 years old were the most frequently detected with HSIL pathological changes and endometrial carcinoma. Conclusions:AGC detection rate is low. The type of positive follow-up results are age-related, ≤40 cases usually with squamous epithelial lesions and 〉40 cases usually with glandular epithelial lesions. AGC-tendency neoplasia has very important implication for cervical serious and endometrial disease.
出处 《实用妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期865-868,共4页 Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 宫颈细胞学 不典型腺细胞 临床意义 Cervical cytology Atypical glandular cells Clinical significance
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