

Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Novel 6-DOF Wave Energy Converter
摘要 浮子的能量收集效率对于装置发电效率的提升具有重要作用。针对传统浮子式装置仅具有一个自由度的问题,提出了一种新型六自由度波浪能装置。基于线性波理论和MMG(Ship Manoeuvring Mathematical Model Group)方法,建立了新型装置的水动力学模型。分析了此装置的浮子在线性波浪作用下的位移和速度。结果表明:新型六自由度装置可以同时收集浮子六自由度方向的动能,具有较高的波浪能收集效率。另外,浮子在垂荡方向上的动能远大于横荡、纵荡方向上的动能。分析了波浪能收集效率随波浪遭遇角与弹簧系数之间的变化规律,文中工作为新型波浪能装置的优化设计提供了有益参考。 The energy collecting efficiency of the float is of great importance for improving the efficiency of electricity generation of the wave energy converter.To improve the energy collecting efficiency of conventional floating wave power devices,a novel 6-DOF wave power converter device is proposed in this paper.On the basis of Airy's linear wave theory and MMG(Ship Maneuvering Mathematical Model Group),the hydrodynamic model of the novel device is developed,so as to analyze the motion laws of the float.The results indicate that the proposed novel 6-DOF wave energy converter has high efficiency of energy collecting and can harvest the kinematical energies along the directions of roll,surge,pitch,sway,heave and yaw.In addition,this paper analyzes the evolution process of the energy collecting efficiency along with incident angle of wave and stiffness of springs.This work can provide helpful references for designing and optimization of the novel 6-DOF wave energy converter.
出处 《海洋技术学报》 2017年第4期7-13,共7页 Journal of Ocean Technology
基金 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2017J05084) 校预研基金资助项目
关键词 波浪能装置 水动力学 MMG 能量采集效率 wave energy converter hydrodynamics MMG energy collecting efficiency
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