By using the input/output logic level of "0" or "1" , I/O outputs and logic chip pins of the 51 single-chip microcomputer are linked together. According to its function and the logic truth table, logic chip input is connected to the I/O port, the corresponding logic level is outputted, and then connecting the I/O port with the output logic chip, the corresponding output level is obtained. Comparing with the truth table, it can be concluded that the function of the logic chip is good or bad. The enhanced 51 MCU has the function of push pull model, hence, it can provide power for logic chip, and thus simplifies the complexity of the circuit design. For the display section, we choose the high resolution of LCD 12864, which can make the operation more intuitive and clear. Because of the dot-matrix LCD, the function of the chip pin diagram can be added, it will be further convenient for the user.
Research and Exploration In Laboratory