Shiyuchunbao is a new hybrid of early-mid maturity spring Chinese cabbage with growth period of 60-65 d, flat-topped head and yellow inner leaves, characterized with high quality and good marketability. It is highly resistant to viral diseases, downy mildew and soft rot disease, and can be cultivated in Beijing, Hebai, Heilongjiang and Yunnan.
"石育春宝"为中早熟春大白菜一代杂交种,生育期60~65 d,叶球合抱,黄心,品-优,商品性好,高抗病毒病、霜霉病和软腐病,在北京、河北、黑龙江、云南等地均可种植。
Supported by Science and Technology Support Program of Shijiazhuang City(161490152A)~~