

Application of assembly type and yieldable U shaped steel arch frame in trough drive support
摘要 赞比亚谦比希铜矿主矿体崩落法采区凿岩巷位于矿体下盘的含矿板岩和下盘砾岩交界处,巷道围岩受涌水量大、矿岩破碎、地应力大等影响稳定性很差。生产实践表明,常规支护方法不能保证凿岩巷的稳定和安全。通过理论分析和试验,探索开发了适合凿岩巷支护的改进的U型钢支架组支护方式。介绍了组装式可缩U型钢支架组支护方法、支护参数、特点、支护工艺、施工要点和井下现场应用情况,对产生的经济和安全效益进行了分析。 In the main orebody of Chambishi Copper Mine in Zambia,the trough drive in the stope to use sublevel caving method area is excavated in the junction of orebody argillite and footwall conglomerate.Because of the influences of complicated geology condition,fractured surrounding rocks,water inflow and high underground stress,the stability of the surrounding rock of the trough drive is poor.The productive practice shows that the traditional supporting methods cannot guarantee the stability of surrounding rock and safety of the trough drive.Through analysis of theory and experimental study,a improved U shaped steel arch frame support style suitable for the trough drive supporting is developed.The support style of assembly type and yieldable U shaped steel arch frame and its supporting principle,parameter,characteristics,technological process and its application in underground stope are introduced,and the economic and safety benefits are analyzed.
作者 张俊
出处 《有色金属(矿山部分)》 2017年第6期92-95,共4页 NONFERROUS METALS(Mining Section)
关键词 凿岩巷 崩落法采场 围岩稳定性 地应力 U型钢支架支护 trough drive sublevel caving stope stability of the surrounding rock underground stress U shaped steel arch frame support
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