Yangbai Sitou is an important part of the Jingjin acupuncture therapy to treat the peripheral facial paralysis. It is pointed out by the spiny method that the face is the place where the three male and the third Yang are scattered with the fascia, and all the diseases related to the facial and the sinus can be treated from the menstrual cramps. It can reinforce Qi, blood and meridians, promote local blood circulation, improve local oxygen and accelerate the absorption of nerve edema, making facial muscles to recover.And the peripheral facial paralysis often happens due to the deficiency of vital Qi, overwork and so on, which can cause the bullishness of resistance, dysfunction of Jingjin. n the basie clinical work, this disease is a common disease, Applying this method, can showing remarkable clinical effects.
Continuing Medical Education
yangbai sitou
jingjin acupuncture therapy
peripheral facial paralysis