目的分析2014-2016年冬春季某战区流感流行特征,探讨有效的预防控制措施。方法对辖区基层医院送检流感样病例(influenza-like illness,ILI)进行病原监测,对病原学检测结果和聚集性流感疫情进行流行病学分析。结果疾控中心共接收流感样本3451份,PCR检出阳性608份,阳性检出率17.62%。其中2014-2015年接收流感样本1518份,检出阳性258份,阳性检出率17.00%。样本采集量在12月份与3月份达到2个峰值,阳性率在12月份左右达到峰值,以季节性H3型为主;2015-2016年接收流感样本1933份,检出阳性350份,阳性检出率18.11%。样本采集量近1、2月份左右达到峰值,阳性率在3月份达到高峰,较去年流行季有所后延,以乙型流感为主、甲型流感为辅,其中甲型以H3和H1N1型2种亚型为主。结论流感呈明显时间分布,冬春季为流感防控的重点时期,病原学监测阳性检出率与ILI病例流行高峰基本一致,因此加强对ILI病例的监测,有助于提出更好的救治、预防和控制措施。
Objective To analyze the characteristics of w in ter -to -sp r in g influenza epidemic in a theater from2014 to 2016, and to explore effective measures for disease prevention and control. Methods Samples from cases of influenza-like illness (ILI) in hospitals under our jurisdiction were collected and tested for pathogens. Testing results and cases of aggregated ILI were further analyzed in depth. Results GDC collected a total of 3451 ILI samples, 608 of which were positive in PCR test. The posi-tive rate was 17.62% ? The positive rate for samples collected between 2014 and 2015 was 17.00% (258 in 1518). The number of samples reached the peak in December and March, and the positive rate was the highest in December. The dominant pathogen was seasonal influenza A H3 subtype. The positive rate for samples collected between 2015 and 2016 seasons was 18.11% (350 in 1933). The number of samples reached the peak around January and February, and the positive rate was the highest in March. The dominating pathogen was influenza B virus, followed by influenza A virus, including seasonal H3 and H1N1. Con-clusion The outbreak of influenza is highly periodical. Winter and spring are the critical periods for influenza prevention and con-trol ,and the positive rate during etiological surveillance is consistent with the epidemic peak of ILI cases. Therefore, more effect surveillance of ILI cases may contribute to better measures for treatment, prevention and control of ILI.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army
pathogen surveillance