
采用漂浮电极与普通电极经股静脉行临时心脏起搏的临床效果对比 被引量:1

Comparison of clinical efficacy between floating electrode and normal electrode in temporary cardiac pacing through femoral vein
摘要 目的比较采用漂浮电极与普通电极经股静脉行临时心脏起搏的临床效果。方法将125例具有临时心脏起搏适应证的患者随机分为漂浮电极组64例与普通电极组61例,采用相应的电极经股静脉行临时心脏起搏,比较两组置入电极的过程用时、手术用时、起搏参数、电极长度及留置时间、手术并发症发生情况。结果两组手术用时、留置时间、起搏参数比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);漂浮电极组过程用时、并发症发生率均低于普通电极组(P<0.05)。结论与普通电极相比,采用漂浮电极经股静脉行临时心脏起搏在抢救的及时性上有优势,同时并发症发生率更低,可以在基层医院推广。 Objective To compare the clinical efficacy between floating electrode and normal electrode in temporary cardiac pacing through femoral vein. Methods A total of 125 patients with indications of temporary cardiac pacing were randomly divided into floating electrode group( n = 64) and normal electrode group( n = 61). The temporary cardiac pacing through femoral vein using corresponding electrode was conducted in the floating electrode group and the normal electrode group. The duration for electrode implanting,duration of operation,parameters of pacing,length and indwelling duration of the electrode,incidence of operative complications were compared between the two groups. Results There were no statistical differences in the duration of operation,indwelling duration or parameters of pacing between the two groups( P 〉 0. 05). The floating electrode group had lower duration for electrode implanting and lower incidence rate of complications compared to the normal electrode group( P 〈 0. 05). Conclusion Compare to the normal electrode,the floating electrode has the advantage of timely rescue in temporary cardiac pacing through femoral vein,achieves a lower incidence rate of complications,and can be promoted in primary hospitals.
出处 《广西医学》 CAS 2017年第11期1620-1622,共3页 Guangxi Medical Journal
基金 重庆市科学技术委员会集成示范计划项目(cstc2013jcsf10025)
关键词 临时心脏起搏 漂浮电极 普通电极 股静脉 Temporary cardiac pacing Floating electrode Normal electrode Femoral vein
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