矿热炉自动配料系统的计量精度尤其是累计精度影响到最终产品的质量以及稳定。在配料时每批料总重1 t左右,而每班八小时要配料上百批次,若每批料每种误差±1 kg,则每班的总累计误差就会比较大,每天、周、月的累计误差可想而知。针对累计误差比较大的情况提出了一种改善方法,在不增加控制系统硬件成本情况下,通过使用增加软件补偿不停的减小累计误差。此方法已经在内蒙某铁合金厂得到实际应用,到目前已经稳定运行一年多。在实际应用中,累计误差可以减少到单种原料总的累计误差保持在10 kg以内,并保持误差稳定,取得非常好的效果,得到了用户的认可。
The submerged arc furnace automatic feeding system is the quantitative weighing measurement of a variety of raw materials in batches according to a certain proportion. The measured material is mixed and transported into the furnace by feeding and distributing system. The measurement accuracy of the feeding system,especially the cumulative error,affects the quality and stability of the final product. The total weight of each batch is about 1 t. Each shift has to match hundreds of batches of material in eight hours. If each batch of material error is 1 kg,the accumulative error of per shift is larger. The accumulative error of daily,weekly,monthly can be imagined. In this paper,the author proposes a solution to this situation,under the condition of without increasing the cost of hardware,reduce the accumulative error by software compensation. This method has been applied to a ferroalloy plant in Inner Mongolia and has been running steadily for more than one years now. In the practical application,the cumulative error can be reduced to single raw material total cumulative error remained within 10 kg,and keep the error steady. It obtains a very good effect and has been recognized by the user.
submerged arc furnace, automatic feeding system, accumulative error