根据中药学课程特点,利用PPT与camtasia studio制作中药学各论当中代表性药物录屏型微课,将其应用于课堂教学或网络在线学习中,既能缓解中药学内容繁多、细碎与课时严重压缩的现实矛盾,又可突破时空及场域限制,引导学生或社会受众自主学习、反复学习。
According to the characteristics of Chinese materia medica, making the screen type micro courses of representative Chinese medicine in each theory using PPT and camtasia studio software, being applied to classroom teaching or online learning, It can not only alleviate the realistic contradiction of the content of traditional Chinese medicine, the crushing of small pieces and the serious compression of class hour, but also break through the restriction of time and space and field, and guide the students or the social audience to study independently and repeated studying.
Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China