摘要基于LPWA市场需求,分场景重点对窄带物联网无线网部署方案进行了分析并给出了部署策略,以期为窄带物联网的部署建设提供参考。Based on the market demand of LPWA,the wireless network deployment solution of NB-Io T was expounded construction of NB-Io T.
1Study on provision of low-cost Machine-Type Communications (MTC)User Equipments (UEs)based on LTE (Release 12). 3GPP TR 36.888 . 2013
2Cellular system support for ultra-low complexity and low throughput Internet of Things (CIoT) (Release 13). 3GPP TR 45.820 . 2015
3Errison.Cellular networks for Massive IoT-enabling low power wide area applications. http://www.ericsson.com/tw/news/160106-cellularnetworks-massive-iot244039856c?tagsF ilter=Machineto-machine . 2016
4Kevin FLYNN.All roads lead to IoT,from GERAN to RAN. http://www.3gpp.org/newsevents/3gpp-news/1762-iot_geran . 2016
5Nokia.LTE-M-Optimizing LTE for the Internet of Things White Paper. http://networks.nokia.com/file/34496/lte-m-optimizing-lte-forthe-internet-of-things . 2016
6Ericsson,Nokia Networks.3GPP RP-141660 Further LTEPhysical Layer Enhancements for MTC. ftp://ftp.3gpp.org/tsgran/TSGRAN/TSGR65/Docs/RP- 141660.zip . 2016
7Qualcomm Incorporated.RP-151621 New Work Item:Narrow Band IOT (NB-Io T). ftp://ftp.3gpp.org/tsgran/TSGRAN/TSGR69/Docs/RP- 151621 zip . 2016
8Revised Work Item:Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT). 3GPP RP-152284 . 2016
9Study on Enhancements to MachineType Communications (MTC)and other Mobile Data Applications Radio Access Network (RAN)aspects (Release 12). 3GPP TR 37.869 . 2013
10Study on architecture enhancements for Cellular Internet of Things (Release 13). 3GPP TR 23.720 . 2016