1 857年,马克思提出"世界史不是过去一直存在的,作为世界史的历史是结果"。这个问题比较难以理解,世界各国有不同的解释。迄今为止各国研究的世界史,都是以国家民族史为基础的世界市场史。资本主义社会第一次、第二次工业革命促进了生产力的巨大发展,马克思提出异化劳动理论,资本主义把工人阶级异化为无产阶级,无产阶级革命形势逐渐形成。"作为世界史的历史"主要靠无产阶级革命来完成。世界上消灭了阶级和国家的剥削和压迫,全世界人类都能够自由平等地进行生产和生活,人类才能由阶级社会进入共产主义社会。这才是马克思所说的"作为世界史的历史是结果"。
Marx had said that "the world history is not always being in the past, but as a history of world history is the final outcome" in 1857. However, every single country makes its own explanation and it is hard to understand this saying. By now, the study of world history in each country based on its own state history mainly focus on the world market history. While the first and the second Industrial Revolution had significantly promoted the social productivity, Marx had put forward the labor alienation theory, namely the Capitalism turned the working class to Proletariat and the Proletarian revolution gradually came into being. The appearance of the history in the sense of "world history" depends mainly on the Proletarian Revolution. By then, the human being around the world will live free and work equally after releasing from the exploitation and oppression of class and country and enter into the Communist Society. It was just what Marx had said about "as a history of world history is the final outcome".
History Teaching
World History, Alienated Labor, Proletarian Revolution