

A Study on the Development of “Keywords Criticism” in Western Countries Since 1990s
摘要 源自雷蒙·威廉斯的"关键词批评"问世后颇受西方学术界关注,数据库Scopus及书籍词频统计器(Google Books Ngram Viewer)提供的数据显示,"关键词批评"自20世纪90年代以来激发了为数不少的"关键词写作"和"关键词研究"。"关键词批评"也在文学研究和文化研究领域得以传承与发展,既延续了雷蒙·威廉斯紧密联系特定社会历史文化语境解析"关键词"生成演变的理路,又在文学批评实践层面出现了新变与推进。"关键词批评"相关著述多注重运用历史语义学方法解析"关键词"的生成演变,彰显词语之间的关联性,具有鲜明的跨学科特点。在文学批评实践层面显示出不再仅以追溯"关键词"语义源起为重心,而代之以"关键词"在批评历史和实践中的生衍为考察重点,以增益于文学批评理论与相关学科之建构和发展的特点。"关键词批评"在编撰体例上有所突破,表现出了重视并紧密联系文学文本进行批评实践及进一步彰显文论性的趋向。 'Keywords criticism', initiated by Raymond Williams, has attracted considerable attention within the Western academic world. Data provided by the Scopus database and the Google Books Ngram Viewer show that 'keywords criticism' inspired a large amount of 'keywords writing' and 'keywords research'since the 1990 s. At the same time, 'keywords criticism' has been constantly developing in the fields of literary and cultural studies. It has not only maintained the way that Raymond Williams investigated the generation and evolution of 'keywords' by closely linking the specific history and culture context, but also has made an advance in the practice of literary criticism. Relevant writings tend to employ historical semantics in order to analyze generation and evolution of 'keywords' and present relationships between words, and as such they manifest a distinctive interdisciplinary character. In the practice of literary criticism, 'keywords criticism'shows the characteristic that besides semantic origin, the appearance and evolution of 'keywords' in the history of critical practice are becoming the focus. And it is in order to benefit the construction and development of critical theory and the related academic discipline. 'Keywords criticism' has also made breakthroughs in terms of compilation and editorship which is presenting tendencies of attaching importance to the literary texts when doing literary criticism and becoming more polemical.
作者 黄擎 孟瑞
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期133-144,共12页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"‘关键词批评’的理论范式及其在中国的批评实践研究"(11CZW019) 教育部人文社科青年项目"‘关键词批评’研究"(10YJC751035)的阶段性成果 浙江大学文科教师教学科研发展专项资助
关键词 20 世纪 90 年代 关键词批评 词语的关联性 跨学科 文论性 1990s 'keywords criticism' Raymond Williams relationships between words interdisciplinary polemical
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