The historical film "Xuan Zang" premiered on April 29, 2016, which is written by Zou Jingzhi, directed by Huo Jianqi, and Huang Xiaoming is one of the main actors in the movie. From the colloquial stories, the dramas to the novels, the spiritual core of the image of the monk Xuanzang has changed from the monk to the laity. In the late 1980 s, postmodernism was introduced to China. After the deconstruction of the " Journey to the West " films, Tang Monk ’s image in the film is increasingly marginalized. He became a meaningless, inexplicable "nonsense". "Xuanzang" is unique in both the image-shaping and artistic expression. This is of great significance to restore the true image of Xuanzang, promote the Buddhist knowledge, disseminate the spirit of Xuanzang, enhance the cultural image of China in the world, and strengthen the cultural security of China.
Journal of Jilin University of Arts