
减量施肥条件下腐植酸保水剂对玉米产量及白浆土养分含量的影响 被引量:5

Effect of Humic Acid Water-retaining Agent on Yield Properties of Maize and Albic Soil Nutrients Based on Reducing Fertilizer Application
摘要 为了揭示腐植酸保水剂(WA)在减量施肥下的应用效果,以不施肥(CK)为空白对照,设置全量施肥(Tf)、减少氮肥20%(Df-N 20%)、减少磷肥20%(Df-P 20%)、减少钾肥20%(Df-K20%)以及在此基础上配施WA(Tf-WA、Df-N 20%-WA、Df-P 20%-WA、Df-K 20%-WA),探究减量施肥条件下WA对玉米产量及白浆土养分含量的影响。结果表明:各施肥处理的玉米出苗率,灌浆期展开叶片数、株高、单叶叶面积,穗粒数及产量均较CK显著增加。Df-N20%、Df-K 20%处理添加WA后使玉米产量分别显著提高9.4%、13.4%;在Tf、Df-P 20%处理条件下配施WA则使产量显著降低。Df-P 20%、Df-P 20%-WA处理玉米收获期的土壤p H值较拔节期分别显著降低3.7%、3.1%,加剧了白浆土的酸化进程;与拔节期相比,玉米收获期Df-K20%、Tf-WA、Df-P 20%-WA、Df-K 20%-WA处理白浆土有机质含量分别显著提高2.5%、2.1%、6.3%、4.4%,其余处理均不利于有机质成分的积累,其中Df-N 20%-WA处理对有机质的消耗程度最大,使其降低28.3%;与拔节期相比,玉米收获期除CK白浆土全氮含量保持稳定外,其余处理全氮含量均不同程度地降低,从降幅来看,Tf、Df-K 20%处理配施WA能够缓解全氮含量的下降趋势,而Df-N 20%、Df-P 20%处理添加WA则增加其对全氮的利用;在各施肥基础上配施WA对白浆土碱解氮含量没有规律性影响,但Df-K 20%-WA处理能够在一定程度上缓解碱解氮的下降趋势、提高白浆土的有效磷含量,而Df-K 20%处理能够有效促进白浆土碱解氮的累积;除玉米灌浆期外,其余4个时期,添加WA的处理白浆土有效磷含量均较未施WA处理显著提升;添加WA的各施肥处理均有利于玉米成熟期和收获期白浆土速效钾的消耗。综上,以减少氮肥20%或减少钾肥20%为前提,施用WA可增加玉米产量,前者不利于白浆土有机质积累;无论是否配施WA,减少磷肥20%均可加速土壤酸化进程;施肥能有效促进白浆土全氮的消耗,但对碱解氮含量未见规律性影响。 In order to reveal the application effect of humic acid water-retaining agent (WA) under the condition of reducing fertilizer,no fertilizer(CK) used as a blank control,the treatments of total fertilizer(Tf), decreasing N fertilizer 20% (Df-N 20% ), decreasing P fertilizer 20% (Df-P 20% ), decreasing K fertilizer 20% (Df-K 20% ), and respectively combined with WA( Tf-WA, Df-N 20% -WA, Df-P 20% -WA and Df-K 20%-WA) were set to explore their effects on the yield properties of maize and albic soil nutrients. The results were as follows:the emergence rate of maize, total leaf number during the grain filling stage, plant height, leaf area of single leaf, grain number per spike and yield treated by fertilization significantly increased compared with CK. Based on Df-N 20% and Df-K 20% treatments,the application of WA could increase the corresponding maize yields by 9. 4% and 13. 4%, respectively. On the contrary, based on the Tf and Df-P 20% treatments, combined application of WA could obviously decrease their yields. The Df-P 20% and Df-P 20%-WA treatments could further aggravate the acidification of albic soil and decrease the pH value by 3.7% and 3.1% ,respectively. Compared with the maize jointing stage,the organic matter contents treated by Df-K 20% , Tf-WA, Df-P 20%-WA and Df-K 20%-WA on the harvest time,the increasing rate were 2.5% ,2.1% ,6.3% and 4.4% ,respectively,on the contrary, the other treatments were all bad for the accumulation of organic matter content, among which the consumption degree of organic matter content in the Df-N 20% -WA treatment was the greatest,reaching 28.3%. Compared with the jointing period, apart from CK treatment could make the total N content stable,all the other treatments could decrease the total N content to varying degrees. From the extent of reduction,based on Tf and Df-K 20% treatments,the applied WA could ease the downtrend of total N content,however the Df-N 20% and Df-P 20% treatments could increase their consumption of total N contents under the same conditions. On the basis of the fertilizer,the combined application of WA had no regular effect on the available N, however, the Df-K 20%-WA treatment could alleviate the downward trend of available N to a certain extent and enhance the available P content of albic soil. The Df-K 20% treatment could effectively promote the accumulation of available N contents. Except the filling stage of corn,the WA could make the available P content significantly enhance compared with no WA at the other four stages of growth. Different fertilization treatments amended with WA were all beneficial to the consumption of available K content of albic soil in the mature period and harvesting time. In conclusion, based on the decreasing N fertilizer 20% or decreasing K fertilizer 20% ,the combined application of WA could increase the corn yield, in which the former was not good for the accumulation of organic matter in albic soil; The soil acidification process could be accelerated by reducing P fertilizer 20% ,whether or not it was combined with WA; Fertilization could effectively promote the consumption of total N content in albic soil,but did not have the regular effect on the content of available N.
出处 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期52-59,共8页 Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
基金 吉林农业科技学院青年基金项目(吉农院合字[2014]第207号 吉农院合字[2015]第206号) 吉林农业科技学院重点学科培育项目(吉农院合字[2015]第X006号 吉农院合字[2015]第X009号) 国家自然科学基金项目(41401251)
关键词 腐植酸保水剂 减量施肥 玉米 产量 养分含量 humic acid water-retaining agent reducing application of fertilizer maize yield nutrient content
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