

Research on Siting Source Terms of Molten Salt Reactor
摘要 选址源项的种类成分、形态、数量、释放方式和释放时间、影响范围等参数是反映反应堆安全的重要指标。我国现行核安全法规对于反应堆选址源项仅有原则性规定,且多基于压水堆,不能完全适用于固态燃料熔盐堆。熔盐堆采用了不同于压水堆的设计、燃料、冷却剂和系统结构,因此,固态燃料熔盐堆的选址源项及其确定方法也与压水堆有很大不同。本文将结合核电厂选址相关的法规标准和核安全审评要求,对固态熔盐堆所采用的新设计理念、新燃料和结构系统特点进行分析,并对其选址源项及确定方法进行评价,为将来固态熔盐堆核电厂选址评价及有关核安全法规标准修订完善提供建议和参考。 The Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor adopts new - type solid fuel, coolant and system structure, which is different from PWR. Therefore, the siting source terms of the TMSR are very different from that of PWR. China's current nuclear safety regulations for the NPP siting source terms are based on the PWR, not be fully suitable for MSR. This paper gives some opinions and considerations to analyze and evaluate MSR siting source terms and its determining method from personnel perspective, and provides a reference for revision of regulations and standards in future, based on the research of the characteristics of MSR's new design concept, new fuel and structural system.
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 北大核心 2017年第4期388-395,共8页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
关键词 固态燃料熔盐堆 选址源项 分析评价 MSR siting source terms analysis research
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