
论科学素养的“日常实践”转向 被引量:17

The“Everyday Practice”Turn of Scientific Literacy
摘要 科学素养是科学与技术教育的核心目标,但关于它究竟"是什么"或者"应该是什么",学界一直众说纷纭。美国科学教育在经历了知识习得、技能训练、本质理解、价值意识、社会参与、身份认同、读写本义等诸多观念之间的争论后,呈现出一种从"职业科学"转向"日常实践"的趋势,尤其明显地表现在2011年发布的《K-12年级科学教育框架》中。这一"日常实践"的科学素养观强调科学理论与方法、认识论框架与社会实践活动的统一,以及为解决日常问题而运用科学知识的能力。在这种观念下,科学教育应促进学生对科学认识论的深入理解,帮助学生在日常情境与科学问题之间建立联系,并培养学生获取、处理、辨别与表达科学信息的能力。 Scientific literacy has long been a central goal of science and technology education. There is little consensus, however, with respect to what scientific literacy is or what it ought to be. Influential theories in the United States include: scientific literacy as knowledge acquisition, as skill training, as understanding the nature of science, as appreciating the importance of science in society, as participating in sociopolitical practices, as developing identities, as reading and writing science texts, and so forth. There is cmTently an "everyday practice" turn in the U.S. science education, strongly suggested in the framework for the Next Generation Science Standards released in 2011, that highlights the three-part harmony among conceptual, epistemic, and social aspects of science learning, as well as literacy as solving everyday problems relevant to science. Following this turn, science education should develop students' epistemological understandings of science, capacities of connecting science and everyday life, and the competence in obtaining, processing, evaluating, and communicating relevant scientific information.
作者 肖思汉
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期12-20,共9页 Global Education
基金 国家社会科学基金"十三五"规划教育学青年课题"重塑科学课堂教学模式实证研究--以课堂争论为载体"(项目编号:CHA160206)的阶段性成果
关键词 科学素养 日常生活 科学实践 课堂教学 信息素养 scientific literacy everyday life scientific practices science teaching information literacy
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