

The Effect of Activating the Representation of Mental Number Line on SNARC
摘要 为验证SNARC效应心理数字线假说,研究设计了三个实验探讨心理数字线表征激活对SNARC效应的影响。实验一通过奇偶判断任务对经典SNARC效应进行重复验证;实验二通过纸笔填充任务和视觉呈现对正向(从左到右)心理数字线进行激活,研究其对SNARC效应的影响;实验三则通过与实验二类似的方法探讨反向心理数字线激活对SNARC效应的影响。结果表明:在无激活和正向激活条件下出现了经典SNARC效应,但正向激活并没有促进SNARC效应;反向激活抑制了SNARC效应。说明数字线的表征激活会影响SNARC效应,心理数字线假说在一定程度上是正确的。 This research designed three experiments to discuss the effect of activating the representation of mental number line on SNARC for the purpose of verifying the hypothesis of mental number line.The experiment 1 repeated the classic SNARC effect with a parity judgment test.The experiment 2 added a paper-and-pencil task and visual appearance stimuli to activate the left-to-right mental number line,and the experiment 3 applied the same activation method as experiment 2 but with the reverse direction of number line.The results showed that,the significant SNARC effects showed up in no-activation and left-to-right activation test,but the latter did not have a stronger SNARC effect than the former.There is no SNARC effect in the right-to-left activation test.The conclusion is that activating the representation of mental number line could affect the SNARC effect and mental number line may be a reasonable hypothesis.
作者 贾玉雪 刘伟
出处 《安顺学院学报》 2017年第5期81-85,共5页 Journal of Anshun University
基金 安顺学院2015年度科研平台项目"心理安数字线的视觉呈现对SNARC的影响"(项目编号:2015AQ12)的阶段性成果
关键词 表征激活 心理数字线 SNARC,activating the representation, mental number line
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