Chen Ping-yuan' s "feelings for the world" has had a profound impact on the academic world, but for some reasons, there were few researchers in 30 years after the great discussion of "humanistic spirit" in academia. Chert Ping-yuan' s thought of "feelings for the world" originated from his thinking about intellectuals' life path of "politics" or "learning". Its characteristics and value include: defining the subject of "feelings for the world" into the scope of intellectuals; making clear the separation of "politics" and "learning" and self-orientation, and advocating the extent of discussion of state affairs; and emphasizing the "professionalism" of intellectuals. Chert Ping-yuan would not make arbitrary choice of persons or affairs in the life and profession. In the creative attitude, he is in pursuit of simplicity and elegance, without astonishing language, and he sets up his own "citizen" position to describe and discuss what happened in the eyes of a scholar. Meanwhile, his thought of "feelings for the world" reflects the problem of intellectuals being lack of "consciousness of public responsibility".
Journal of Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology
feelings for the world
humanistic spirit
Chen Ping-yuan' s
cultural study