
肺炎或哮喘住院患儿百日咳感染状况的血清学调查 被引量:6

Seroprevalence Analysis of Pertussis Infection of Hospitalized Children with Clinical Diagnoses of Pneumonia or Asthma
摘要 目的:评估临床收治的肺炎或哮喘住院患儿中百日咳近期或现症感染状况。方法:收集在呼吸科住院的610例肺炎患儿及60例哮喘患儿年龄、咳嗽病史和百白破疫苗接种史等资料,检测患儿住院时冻存的血清标本中白喉毒素(DT)-Ig G和百日咳毒素(PT)-Ig G水平,分析百白破疫苗接种、百日咳近期或现症感染情况。结果:670例咳嗽患儿中,88.8%的患儿DT-Ig G阳性,提示该组患儿普遍接种过百白破疫苗,仅有32.2%的患儿PT-Ig G抗体水平处于检测限以上;诊断为肺炎与哮喘的患儿中分别有5例(0.8%)与6例(10.0%)存在百日咳近期或现症感染。结论:在小儿呼吸科住院治疗的肺炎和哮喘患儿中有少数百日咳近期或现症感染患儿未被诊断,应予以重视。 Objective: To evaluate the infectious condition of recent or current Bordetella pertussis infection in hospitalized children with clinical diagnosed pneumonia or asthma. Methods: A total of670 cases of pneumonia and 60 cases of asthma which were hospitalized in respiratory department,clinical data were collected. The levels of DT and PT-Ig G from cryopreserved serum sample when admitted to hospital were detected; analyzing recent and current infectious condition of DTP vaccine and pertussis. Results: The overall positive rate of DT-Ig G was 88. 8% of all the 670 cases,of which the majority of them received DTP vaccine,however,only 32. 2% of them have detectable PT-Ig G levels.A total of 5( 0. 8%) and 6( 10. 0%) cases with recent pertussis infection were found in children with clinical diagnosed of pneumonia and asthma. Conclusions: A small part of hospitalized children with clinical diagnosed pneumonia or asthma have undiagnosed recent pertussis,which should pay attention to this situation for preventing outbreak of pertussis in hospital.
出处 《贵州医科大学学报》 CAS 2017年第11期1292-1296,共5页 Journal of Guizhou Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(81701565) 首都医科大学基础-临床科研合作基金资助项目(17JL55)
关键词 儿童 肺炎 哮喘 百日咳 感染 抗体 疫苗接种 children pneumonia asthma pertussis infection antibodies vaccination
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