已在戴姆勒工作30年之久,并在戴姆勒全球多个板块工作过的Heiko Schulze具有丰富的管理经验和全球化视野,在德国总部开始戴姆勒职业生涯的他,先后经历过技术、销售、产品培训、产品管理、乘用车等多个部门的工作,在商用车板块,
During my visit of Comtrans 2017, I had a face-to-face interview with Heiko Schulze, CEO of DAIMLER KAMAZ RUS, who has worked in Daimler for over 30 years and for different functions all over the world. By achieving a big boom in 2017, the strategy of DAIMLER KAMAZ RUS is to rank No.2 among B7 market in Russia by the end of this year, and to be No.1 in 2020.
Commercial Vehicle