凭借其全新的、即插即用的纯电驱动方案,采埃孚正在推动本地零排放公共交通的发展。最新的研发成果是搭载于采埃孚的创新型城市公交样车的新一代Ce Trax中央电驱动系统,此系统适用于低地板和高地板公交车应用。自2016年这款驱动系统首次亮相以来,
On this year's Busworld held at Belgium recently, ZF put on the event a series of new products for E-drive vehicles, including new generation of Ce Trax, AVE 130 E-drive axle and hybrid power transmission, showing ZF's quick response to the market and new R & D development, and the Company's positive actions for E-drive vehicles development.
Commercial Vehicle