位于巴西中部的塞拉多草原占据了近1/4的国土,是世界上生物多样性最丰富的热带稀树草原。尽管拥有丰富而美丽的植物资源,塞拉多景观的闻名程度却远不及同样位于巴西的热带雨林,在巴西的本土文化中也鲜被提及。长期以来,巴西本土的生态修复和景观设计项目往往都只考虑乔木,而忽略草本及灌木。而塞拉多草原恰好以草本及灌木见长,其种类多达7 000余种,占据了60%以上的生物多样性,并拥有多种基本生态功能。当前,这一情况正在发生转变。在本文所呈现的"恢复塞拉多"和"塞拉多公园"这两个相互关联的实践中,都展开了对不同的植物组织形式(草本、木本和藤本)在生态修复及景观设计项目中进行应用的探索。此外,本文还呈现了两个项目团队尝试进行的两组试验,以展示理解巴西热带稀树草原并同其一同发挥效益的可能性。
Right at the center of Brazil, covering almost 22% of its area, lies the world's most biodiverse savanna, the Cerrado. Despite of the richness and beauty of its flora, Cerrado's landscapes are not as celebrated as the country's rainforests, and tend to be neglected in cultural expressions. Historically, ecological restoration and landscape design projects have considered only the trees of the biome, leaving behind grasses, forbs and shrubs that not only characterize the savanna, but also represent more than 60% of the diversity [close to 7,000 speciesl of the Cerrado, which hold many fundamental ecological functions. This situation is now beginning to change. This article presents two interrelated projects, Restaura Cerrado and Jardins de Cerrado, which focus on different plant forms [herbaceous, woody and liana species] in restoration and gardening initiatives. Two experiments are conducted with efforts to explore new possibilities of understanding the Brazilian savanna and of working with it.
Landscape Architecture Frontiers