
青花菜开花促进因子AGL19与整合子AGL24和SOC1的互作研究 被引量:4

Interactions of Flowering Promoting Factor AGL19 with Integrator Factors AGL24 and SOC1 in Brassica oleracea var. italica
摘要 为阐明青花菜(Brassica oleracea var.italica)开花促进因子AGL19与开花整合子AGL24和SOC1蛋白的互作机制,从青花菜中克隆了AGL19、SOC1及AGL24基因。它们分别编码221、221和214个氨基酸,均为MIKC型蛋白,并且与甘蓝、油菜、大白菜等亲缘关系较近,AGL19与SOC1同属TM3/SOC1亚家族成员。酵母双杂交表明:AGL19与AGL24蛋白能互作,激活酵母报告基因AUR1-C、HIS3、ADE2和MEL1,在QDO/X-α-Gal/Ab A平板培养基上长出蓝斑;但与SOC1蛋白不能相互作用,说明AGL19的直接靶蛋白是AGL24而非SOC1。此外,青花菜SOC1也能与AGL24蛋白互作,说明AGL19可以通过AGL24间接与SOC1相互作用。 In order to clarify the protein interaction mechanisms of flowering promoting factor AGL19 with another two floral integrator factors(AGL24 and SOC1)in flowering pathways,AGL19,AGL24 and SOC1 genes were cloned from Brassica oleracea var.italica,and encoded 221,221 and 214 amino acids,respectively.AGL19,AGL24 and SOC1 were MIKC-type proteins and similar to Brassica oleracea,B.rapa and Chinese cabbage.AGL19 and SOC1 were members of TM3/SOC1 subfamily.Yeast two-hybrid assays showed that the fused strains could grew with blue colonies on QDO/X/A plates,indicating that AGL19 interact with AGL24 and activated the expression of the reporter genes AUR1-C,HIS3,ADE2 and MEL1.However,AGL19 could not interact with SOC1.These results suggested that AGL24 not SOC1 was the direct target protein of AGL19.Additionally,SOC1 also could interact with the AGL24,suggesting that AGL19 can indirectly interact with SOC1 through AGL24.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期1905-1913,共9页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”)项目(2012CB113900) 国家自然科学基金项目(31000908) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(XDJK2017B036,XDJK2017D089)
关键词 青花菜 AGL19 SOC1 AGL24 蛋白互作 开花调控 Brassica oleraceavar, italica AGL19 SOC1 AGL24 protein interaction flowering regulation
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