目的 研究红花黄素 (saffloweryellowpigment,SYP)对氧自由基引起的豚鼠单个心室肌细胞电生理异常的保护作用。方法 采用全细胞膜片钳技术 ,观察预先应用红花黄素 (3.3μg L)后 ,对外源性氧自由基 (1mmol L的H2 O2 )引起单个豚鼠心室肌细胞动作电位时程 (actionpotentialduration ,APD)和离子电流改变的影响。结果 红花黄素能明显缩短H2 O2 诱发的动作电位时程 ;减轻H2 O2 对钙电流的抑制作用 ;但不能改变H2 O2 对内向整流钾电流(Ik1 )的抑制作用。结论 预先应用红花黄素对H2 O2 损伤有一定的拮抗作用 ,说明其能够清除氧自由基 。
Objective To study the protective effect of safflower yellow pigment (SYP)on the electrophysiological abnormality induced by oxygen derived free-radical in single guinea pig ventricular myocytes. Methods Whole-cell patch clamp techniques were used to record action potential duration(APD), L-type calcium current(I Ca) and inward rectifier potassium current(I k1).Results Administration of SYP( 3.3μg/L)to bath solution 10 minutes in advance, inhibited the shortening effect of H 2O 2(1mmol/L)on APD, alleviate the inhibiting effect on I Ca. But administration of SYP could not change the effect of H 2O 2 on I k1. Conclusion SYP ( 3.3μg/L)has protective effect on injure induced by free radical, indicating that it could clear away free radical. Our study provide the mechanism basis for the treatment of heart ischemia of SYP.
Journal of Harbin Medical University
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 395 70 30 5 )