
中国引领亚太经贸合作机制转型分析 被引量:2

An Analysis of the Transformation of the Asia-Pacific Economic and Trade Cooperation Mechanism under the Leadership of China
摘要 在全球经济经历金融危机的冲击后,亚太经济凭借其强劲的抗风险能力和持续的发展活力,成为引领全球经济复苏的中心,而亚太地区在全球地缘经济架构中的地位和重要性也随之同步性上升。这种结构性的突变迅速生成变革亚太地区经济治理机制的重要力量,并引发亚太地区贸易和投资格局及规则等均产生显著变化。中国坚持"开放、包容、互利、共赢"的发展理念,为亚太经贸合作树立正确且长远的价值观取向。不仅如此,中国在参与和引领亚太贸易和投资多边治理机制改革创新的同时,积极向这一地区输出制度性的公共产品,并努力推动亚太地区经济新秩序朝着更加公平、合理和完善的方向前行。在未来亚太经贸合作协定谈判中,中国应积极尝试导入"负面清单"管理模式和"准入前国民待遇"原则,并使其能充分体现在相关的条款和内容之中,借此逐步推动亚太地区的双多边合作内容的有序扩展和合作模式的转型升级。 After the global economic experienced the impact of the financial crisis,the Asia-Pacific economy has become the center of the global economic recovery with its strong anti-risk capacity and sustained vitality of development,and therefore the status and the importance of the Asia-Pacific region in the global geo-economic architecture have increased synchronously.This structural upheaval quickly created an important force in transforming the mechanisms of the economic governance of the Asia-Pacific region and triggered significant changes in the patterns and rules of trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region.Adhering to the development concepts of'openness,tolerance,mutual benefits and win-win',China establishes an orientation that is correct and of long-term values for the Asia-Pacific economic and trade cooperation.Apart from that,China participates and leads in the reform and innovation of the multilateral governance mechanisms of Asia-Pacific trade and investment,while it actively exports institutional public goods to the region and strives to promote the new economic order in the Asia-Pacific region towards a more fair,reasonable and perfect direction.In the negotiations on an agreement of Asia-Pacific economic and trade cooperation in the future,China should actively try to introduce the management model of'negative lists'and the principle of'pre-establishment national treatment'by making them fully embodied in the relevant terms and contents,and therefore to gradually promote the content of the bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region to orderly expand as well as to transform and upgrade the cooperation model.
作者 陈友骏
出处 《国际关系研究》 2017年第4期117-135,共19页 Journal of International Relations
关键词 中国 亚太区域 经济治理 改革 引领 China the Asia-Pacific region economic governance reform leadership
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