Based on a comparative study of the reservoir water temperature turbulence models commonly used,a reservoir water temperature model with averaged width and 2-D elevation adopting k-ε double equation turbulence model is used to simulate thermal density flow.In the view of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation,this paper discussed the mechanism of turbulent kinetic energy's buoyancy term and production term.It investigated the buoyancy term's and production term's impacts on turbulent kinetic energy and energy dissipation,respectively.This paper explored the inter restricted relationship between water temperature vertical gradient and turbulent kinetic energy,and studied the vertical distribution law of turbulent kinetic energy's buoyancy term and production term in reservoir.The eddy viscosity coefficient or mixing length in W2 model was lack of generality,which was rated by measured data,but a sufficient precise prediction result can be obtained by a veteran.The effect of the energy dissipation caused by the buoyancy term and production term on turbulent kinetic energy can be ignored as a small factor in k-ε turbulence model.This model can calculate eddy viscosity corresponding to the vertical velocity and temperature distribution by turbulent kinetic energy's buoyancy term and production term.Therefore,the influence of thermal buoyancy was reflected in vertical momentum equation.The buoyancy term was mainly controlled by temperature vertical gradient.The inter restricted relationship of water temperature vertical gradient and turbulent kinetic energy was the key factor in a simulation of thermal density flow with the k-ε turbulence model.
Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
turbulent model
turbulent kinetic energy
buoyancy term
thermal density flow