

The Research on Freedom of Transit under the Belt and Road Initiative
摘要 "一带一路"倡议为全球经济合作与互惠发展提供了良好的平台与规则导向,不仅有助于引导我国全面调整经济结构,而且有助于推动全球经济秩序重建。过境自由作为"一带一路"倡议下国际贸易贯通的基础与制度保障,对提升物流效率和贸易效率、实现交通运输自由畅通具有异常关键的作用。然而,目前尽管相关国际公约给予了过境自由一定的规则保障,但受利益冲突、法律规则认同差异、产业保护盛行、各国间政治角逐等因素影响,在过境自由方面仍然存在制度差异、海关通关效率低、基础设施不统一、政治风险高等一系列问题。为推动和保障过境自由制度的顺利实施,我国一定要积极发挥重要作用,采取有效措施,督促沿线各国与世界贸易组织规则保持一致;主导签署海关合作备忘录;签订国际投资协定,促进基础设施建设;主导签订地区性自由贸易协定(RTA),建立自由贸易区。 The proposition of the Belt and Road Initiative provides global economic cooperation and mutual beneficial development with sound platform and rule direction;it will not only guide the overall improvement of our economic structure,but also be helpful for promoting the restructuring of global economic order. Freedom of Transit,the basis and institutional guarantee for international trade connectivity in the background of the Belt and Road Initiative,will play the important role in improving logistic and trade efficiency and realizing the connectivity of transportation. Though international convention provides freedom of transit with guarantee in terms of rules,because of the influence of conflict in interests,acknowledge differences in law and regulation,the prevailing industrial protection,and political contend among countries,there are still some problems with freedom of transit,such as the problems of institutional difference,the low efficiency of customs clearance,the not unified infrastructure,and the significant political risk. To promote the smooth implementation of freedom of transit,China should play its important role by adopting different countermeasures to guarantee the rule consistency of different countries and WTO,positively signing international investment agreement,promoting the development of infrastructure,signing the Regional Trade Agreement(RTA),and establishing the Free Trade Area.
作者 田海
机构地区 西北大学法学院
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第12期101-107,共7页 China Business and Market
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“WTO争端解决中的中国现象与中国问题研究”(14AFX027) 西北大学优秀科研团队建设项目“‘一路一带’的制度文明与经贸法律研究”
关键词 “一带一路” 过境自由 自由贸易区 the Belt and Road freedom of transit Free Trade Area
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