

An Investigation into the Composition of Minority Soldiers in the Red Army
摘要 中国工农红军队伍中士兵和军官的民族成分一直是多样化的,以汉族为主,同时有相当一部分少数民族青年加入红军队伍,各地出版的文献史料对此多有记载。经多方搜寻各地文献史料,并部分实地调查考证:第一,1930年以前,红军中的少数民族士兵、军官以红七军、红二军团中居多,估算红七军中有2500人左右,以壮族、瑶族为主;红二军团中也有2500人左右,以土家族、白族、苗族为主;二者相加约为5000余人,占全国红军总数62000余人的8%。第二,长征时期(1934年10月至1936年10月),三大主力红军中的少数民族成分包括:在长征中先后约有2300-4000名少数民族战士加入中央红军,主要是苗族、彝族、回族;红二、六军团在湘鄂川黔苏区和长征中先后约有2900-3800名少数民族战士加入,主要是土家族、白族、苗族;红四方面军中的藏族、羌族和瑶族同胞约为3000名;三大主力红军合计先后约有8200-10800名少数民族战士加入。 The soldiers and officers in the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army were always from diverse nationalities. Most of them were of the Han nationality,and quite a part of them were of minorities. This is recorded in historical materials of different localities. Combining historical materials and field investigation,this paper finds that: first,till 1930,the soldiers and officers of minorities in the Red Army were mainly recruited into the Seventh Red Army and the Second Front Army,and it is estimated that the number was about 2500 persons in the Seventh Army,most of whom were of the Zhuang and Yao nationalities; there were also 2500 persons of minorities in the Second Front Army,most of whom were of the Tujia,Bai and Miao nationalities; these two add up to about 5000 persons,accounting for 8% of the total Red Army( over 6,2000 persons). Second,during the Long March period( October 1934 to October 1936),the minority soldiers in the three main forces of the Red Army included: about 2300 to 2400 persons in the Central Red Army,who were recruited in the Long March and most of whom were of the Miao,Yi and Hui nationalities; about 2900 to 3800 persons in the Second and Sixth Front Armies,who were recruited in the Hunan-Hubei-Sichuan-Guizhou Soviet Area and in the Long March and most of whom were of the Tujia,Bai and Miao nationalities; about 3000 persons in the Fourth Front Army,most of who were of the Zang,Qiang and Yao nationalities; totally the three main forces absorbed 8200 to 10800 minority soldiers in succession.
作者 车辚
出处 《中国井冈山干部学院学报》 2017年第6期84-92,共9页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Jinggangshan
基金 2014年度国家社科基金西部项目"中国共产党执政生态研究"(立项批准号:14XDJ011)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 中国工农红军 兵员 少数民族士兵 士兵数量 the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army soldiers minority soldiers quantity of soldiers
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