
倪珠英教授治疗小儿咳嗽病用药规律数据挖掘分析 被引量:4

Data Mining Analysis on Medication Rule of Professor Ni Zhuying's Treatment of Pediatric Cough Disease
摘要 目的:分析倪珠英教授治疗小儿咳嗽病的用药规律,为小儿咳嗽病的临床治疗提供指导意见。方法:选取倪珠英教授治疗小儿咳嗽病病例1 640诊次,将所有病例录入结构化临床病例采集系统,用数据挖掘平台转化为可分析的数据,进行频次统计,利用复杂网络分析系统进行核心方和中药配伍规律研究,对核心药物及常用配伍做有效率及卡方的比较。结果:倪珠英教授治疗小儿咳嗽药物使用频次最高前12味药:陈皮、炒苦杏仁、蜜麻黄、瓜蒌皮、前胡、麸炒枳壳、法半夏、白芷、黄芩、鱼腥草、钩藤、麸炒僵蚕。复杂网络分析基本方组成:蜜麻黄、炒苦杏仁、麸炒枳壳、前胡、瓜蒌皮、陈皮、法半夏、白芷。常用药对配伍:葶苈子、川芎、细辛;姜黄、生大黄、蝉蜕;地骨皮、醋青皮、桑白皮;黄芪、麸炒白术、茯苓;麸炒神曲、炒山楂;浙贝母、玄参;地龙、鬼箭羽等。药味与疗效卡方结果:主要配伍药物对疗效的影响趋势更大。结论:倪教授治疗小儿咳嗽病主要从痰、从热、从气论治,注重患儿个体差异,辨证论治,可为临床小儿咳嗽用药提供更多参考。 This study was aimed to analyze the treatment of pediatric cough disease by Professor Ni Zhuying and to provide clinical guidance for the treatment of pediatric cough disease. A total of 1640 cases of pediatric cough disease treated by Professor Ni Zhuying were selected. All cases were recorded into the structured clinical case acquisition system. Data mining platform was used in the data analysis. And the frequency statistics were used. Complex network analysis system was used to study the core prescription and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) compatibility rules. The comparison of efficiency and the chi-squared test were used to analyze the core drug and the common compatibility. The results showed that when Professor Ni treated pediatric cough disease, the top 12 drugs used herbs were tangerine peel,fried bitter almonds, honey ephedra, fructus trichosanthis peel, radix peucedani, bran fried fructus aurantii, prepared rhizoma pinelliae, radix angelicae dahuricae, scutellaria, houttuynia, ramulus uncariae cum uncis, bran fried bombyx batryticatus. The core prescription results from the complex network system analysis was honey ephedra, fried bitter almonds, bran fried fructus aurantii, radix peucedani, fructus trichosanthis peel, dried tangerine peel, prepared rhizoma pinelliae, radix angelicae dahuricae. The commonly used drugs for compatibility were semen lepidii, rhizoma chuanxiong,berba asari; turmeric, raw rhubarb, periostracum cicadae, cortex lycii, vinegar prepared pericarpium citri reticulatae viride,cortex mori; radix astragali, bran fried rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae, poria; bran fried medicated leaven, fried hawthorn; bulbus fritillariae thunbergii, radix scrophulariae; earthworm, ramulus euonymi, and etc. The drug efficacy and chi-squared test results showed that the main compatibility of drugs had more effect on the trend of efficacy. It was concluded that professor Ni’s treatment of pediatric cough disease was mainly from the sputum, heat, and qi. Attention was paid to individual differences of children with syndrome differentiation. It can provide more reference to the treatment of clinical pediatric cough disease.
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 CSCD 2017年第9期1527-1533,共7页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目(2004BA721A01Z73):倪珠英临床经验、学术思想工作室,负责人:刘晓鹰
关键词 倪珠英 小儿咳嗽 中医药 数据挖掘 用药规律 Ni Zhuying pediatric cough disease traditional Chinese medicine data mining medication rule
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