

Preparation of PMMA Electrospun Fibrous Filme and its Research of Influence factors
摘要 采用静电纺丝的方法制备聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)纳米纤维膜,并研究了制备PMMA纳米纤维膜的影响因素。通过S4800-Ⅱ型场发射扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、Nano Measurer软件,对PMMA纳米纤维膜的形貌及直径分布进行表征。结果显示:以N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF1为溶剂,PMMA浓度达到25wt%,能够得到无串珠的纤维。以乙酸乙酯(EA)为溶剂,PMMA浓度达到20wt%,即可得到无串珠的纤维,但纤维较粗。而混合溶剂DMF/EA比例的不同对纤维的表面形貌和直径均有影响,DMF/EA比例减小最终得到多孔结构,比例增大纤维直径逐渐减小。静电纺丝机的工艺参数电压值、固化距离、推进速度相比于纺丝液的溶剂、浓度对静电纺丝纤维的影响较小。纤维中孔的数量受环境湿度影响,但湿度较大时,不利于溶剂挥发,静电纺丝不能进行。 In this paper, the PMMA nanofiber membranes were prepared by electrospinning and the influence factors of PMMA nanofibers were studied. Accordinly, scanning electron microseopy(SEM) and Nano Measurer software were used to characterize the morphology and diameter distribution of PMMA nanofibrous membranes. The results showed that with N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) as the solvent, the concentration of PMMA reached 25wt%, the fiber without beaded was obtained. When the concentration of Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) reached 20wt% with ethyl acetate (EA) as the solvent, the fiber without beaded was obtained, but the fiber was coarse. However, the ratio of DMF / EA in the mixed solvent had different effects on the surface morphology and diameter of the fiber. The EA ratio increased and the porous structure was finally obtained, and the fiber diameter decreased with the increase of DMF ratio. Compared to the spinning solution and the concentration of the solvent, the voltage value, curing distance, propulsion speed of electrospinning machine have less effect for electrospinning fibers. The number of holes in the fiber were effected by environmental humidity, but electrostatic spinning can not be carried out if the humidity is large.
出处 《纳米科技》 2017年第1期47-54,共8页
关键词 静电纺丝 纳米纤维膜 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 Electrospinning Nanofibrous film PMMA
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