3GPP在Release 8版本后引入了对用户在漫游场景下的策略和计费控制(pcc)功能支持,使得运营商可以更灵活、有效地对漫游用户进行业务控制和资源分配。笔者介绍了两种漫游场景下的PCC架构和信令流程,分析了两种架构各自的优势和存在的问题,为PCC的全网部署提供了建议。
Through the Policy and Charging Control (PCC)architeeture for roaming cases standardized in 3GPP R8, this feature is important for operators to guarantee the control of Service and effective balance resource to roaming users. In this paper we analyse two types of PCC architecture for roaming and signalling flows, and propose key element should be considered in Mobile Broadband network construction.
Journal of Anyang Institute of Technology