
近10年《素问·上古天真论》相关研究知识图谱分析 被引量:7

Knowledge Map Analysis on Study on Shanggu Tianzhen Lun(上古天真论) in Plain Questions(素问) During Past 10 Years
摘要 目的通过知识图谱方式可视化分析《素问·上古天真论》相关研究的热点和趋势。方法以"上古天真论"为研究对象,检索2006年1月至2017年1月中国知网(CNKI)中国学术期刊数据库中相关研究。分别对纳入数据以作者、机构、关键词为节点进行可视化,并对其出现频次进行统计。结果共纳入数据857条。2006年至2017年发表关于《素问·上古天真论》研究的作者共有72人,作者频次前5名为吴效科(7)、孙广仁(5)、侯丽辉(5)、张新渝(5)、王泓午(4),突现度前5名为吴效科(5.3995)、侯丽辉(3.7747)、王琦(2.8911)、王泓午(2.6971)、孙广仁(2.6701)。发文量前5的研究机构分别为山东中医药大学(29)、北京中医药大学(27)、上海中医药大学(23)、成都中医药大学(18)、广州中医药大学(14)。关键词共现网络图谱共169个节点、318条连线,其中频次前5名为黄帝内经(347)、上古天真论(171)、养生(121)、中医(74)、治未病(66),中心度前5名为上古天真论(0.64)、黄帝内经(0.58)、养生(0.46)、中医(0.18)、生气通天论(0.16)。关键词共现聚类结果可分为9类,各类中频次最高的关键词分别为0:中医,治未病;1:黄帝内经;2:上古天真论;3:肾气盛,天癸;4、6:养生;5、7、8:素问,肾气。结论近10年《上古天真论》研究作者和研究机构合作力量较分散,2014年以来经验传承研究成为新的热点,研究趋势从原文发掘应用趋向于更深层次的理论实践研究。 Objective To make visual analysis on the hot spots and trends of studies on Shanggu Tianzhen Lun( 上古天真论) in Plain Questions( 素问) through the knowledge map. Methods The researchers searched the studies of Shanggu Tianzhen Lun from January 2006 to January 2017 in CNKI,and then did the visualization with the nodes as following: authors,institutions and keywords. The frequencies of these words were also calculated. Results A total of 857 data were included. From 2006 to 2017,72 people published study on Shanggu Tianzhen Lun in total. The authors with top 5 frequencies are WU Xiaoke( 7),SUN Guangren( 5),HOU Lihui( 5),ZHANG Xinyu( 5) and WANG Hongwu( 4). The authors with top 5 emerging trends are WU Xiaoke( 5. 3995),HOU Lihui( 3. 7747),WANG Qi( 2. 8911),WANG Hongwu( 2. 6971) and SUN Guangren( 2. 6701). The institutions with top 5 frequencies are Shandong University of Chinese Medicine( 29),Beijing University of Chinese Medicine( 27),Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine( 23),Chengdu University of Chinese Medicine( 18) and Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine( 14). There are a total of 169 nodes 318 connections in the keywords co-occurrence network map,in which the ones with top 5 frequency are Huangdi Neijing( the Canon of Internal Medicine,《黄帝内经》,347),Shanggu Tianzhen Lun( 171),health preserving( 121),Chinese medicine( 74),preventive treatment of disease( 66) and the ones with top 5 centrality are Shanggu Tianzhen Lun( 0. 64),Huangdi Neijing( 0. 58),health preserving( 0. 46),Chinese medicine( 0. 18) and Shengqi Tongtian Lun( Qi Production and Its Utmost Ability,《生气通天论》,0. 16). Keywords co-occurrence clustering results can be divided into nine categories,and the keywords with the highest frequency in each category are respectively following: category 0,Chinese medicine and preventive treatment of disease; category 1,Huangdi Neijing; category 2,Shanggu Tianzhen Lun; category 3,exuberance of kidney Qi and Tiangui( reproduction-stimulating essence); category 4 and category 6,health preserving; category 5,category 7 and category 8,Suwen and kidney Qi. Conclusion The researchers and institutions studying Shanggu Tianzhen Lun are scattered during the past 10 years. Research on inheritance of experience has become a new hot spot since 2014,and the research trends tend to go from the original text mining applications to deeper theoretical research.
出处 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第23期2054-2058,共5页 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家中医药管理局重点(培育)学科 湖南省2011数字中医药协同创新中心自选项目
关键词 上古天真论 素问 知识图谱 可视化分析 Shanggu Tianzhen Lun (《上古天真论》) Suwen (《素问》) knowledge map visual analysis
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