以长三角城市群和中原城市群为研究对象,以1990、1995、2000、2005和2010年五期土地利用现状遥感监测数据和2010-2014年统计数据为基础,采用网格化统计方法、局部空间统计(LISA)方法、城市扩张动态度指标和地理探测器方法,比较研究了两个城市群地区城市扩张的时空特征和驱动力机制.研究表明:(1)长三角地区城市快速扩张期主要在2000-2005年和2005-2010年后期两个阶段,在2000-2005年长三角地区城市扩张净增面积(2 759km2)、净扩张率(36.63%)、年均扩张率(7.33%)均达到最高.而中原城市群地区主要在前期三个阶段(1990-1995年、1995-2000年、2000-2005年)出现快速扩张,在前两个阶段其城市扩张净率和动态度均高于长三角地区.(2)长三角地区城市扩张过程呈现出"点-轴-波式循环"模式,中原城市群则以传统自然的"点-轴-网"模式扩张.长三角地区在四个城市扩张阶段中,都出现了显著的城市扩张空间热点区域,并且随着扩张阶段的不同,扩张热点区域动态转移,而中原城市群城市扩张却未出现空间集聚现象,并没有表现出显著的空间异质特征.(3)长三角城市群和中原城市群城市扩张均受到经济因素、人口规模、居民收入、产业结构、交通以及地理要素等因素影响,两者不同的是:经济因素是长三角城市群城市扩张的主要驱动力,而中原城市群城市扩张的主导因素却是人口因素.
The paper investigated comparatively the spatiotemporal variation and driving force of the urban sprawl in two metropolitan areas,Yangtze River Delta and Central Plains.The primary datasets were land use remote sensing monitoring data(1990、1995、2000、2005 and 2010)and 2011-2015 statistics data.Four methods,gridding statistics,LISA local spatial statistics,urban expansion dynamic index,and geography detector model,were employed in this paper.The paper has mainly three findings.(1)Rapid urban sprawl in Yangtze River Delta mainly occurred during 2000-2005 and 2005-2010.From 2000 to 2005,net urban sprawled area(2 759 km^2),net sprawling rate(36.63%),an annual average expansion rate(7.33%)in Yangtze River Delta,were up to the highest.However,the rapid expansion of the Central Plains mainly occurred in the fore three stages,1990-1995,1995-2000,and 2000-2005.During the first two stages,the net urban sprawling rate and dynamic index in Central Plains were all higher than the Yangtze River Delta's.(2)The urban expansion in Yangtze River Deltapresented a "point-shaft-wave loop type" mode.A "point-axis-net" mode,which was a traditional natural expansion.,appeared in the urban sprawling process in Central Plains.During the four stages of urban expansion,urban sprawling hotspot areas emerged in Yangtze River Delta.The urban sprawling hotspots areas moved during the different sprawling stages.On the contrary,the urban sprawl in Central Plains did not give rise to a spatial agglomeration phenomenon and significant spatial heterogeneity characteristics.(3)The two metropolitan areas were all influenced by economic factors,population scale,resident income,industrial structure,traffic and geography.The difference of the two urban agglomeration areas was that the main driving factor in Yangtze River Delta region was economic factor,but the population factor drove mainly the urban sprawl in Central Plains.
Journal of Henan University:Natural Science
Yangtze river delta metropolitan areas
central plains metropolitan areas
driving force
geography detector
urban expansion
LISA local spatial statistics